Thursday, April 20, 2006

Two things you needed know (and one thing you didn't)

Firstly, you need to know we have a new addition to the family - no not that, silly!

After various misadventures with old computors, and 3 knackered computors and just over 6 weeks later, we have finally bitten the bullet and bought a new one, so I now have no excuse for not posting. Well, no good excuses anyway!

Second, I received a complaint from Mr Youthblog that I had him linked inncorrectly by his html. It's less painful than it sounds. The fault is now amended, so the multiplicitous THOUSANDS of you who have been unable to link to him through this blog may now do so. If you haven't popped by yet, it is DEFINITELY worth a look. Mr Youthlog, expect your sitemeter to be swamped. Don't say I didn't warn you!

And finally a giraffe has seven bones in its neck - which is exactly the same as a human.

I know, I know. Sometimes I just give you so much it's hard to take in.


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