Thursday, September 01, 2005

My Soul Survived

Brief reflections on Soul Survivor for this year...

The young people pretty much loved it. It has lead to some fab conversations ranging from 'what does it mean to love God,' to 'do I have to take the Bible literally,' with a whole LOAD of stuff in between.

Some young people have decided they were nominally Christian but now need to DO something about living it out - I'm priviledged enough to be going to a book shop with one today to buy her first Bible! Others have really started getting into the Bible, others have started wanting to serve the local Church. They've started praying for each other, they've started talking to each other more openly about their faith, and there is much more of a gathered community feel in the groups as a whole - they are really caring for each other. MSN has exploded!

For me, the worship and teaching wasn't where I was at, but that's ok, becuase I wasn't there for me, I was there to enable the young people, and they had a ball, and have all grown in their relationships with God, which was my prayer.

Personal highlights:
The weatabix face pack wind up.
Being pysically dragged to the skate park to have a go. For the record, I am a 'rodney.' (someone who is to skating what a muggle is to magic!) I struggled to get off the board, much to the amusement of my youth group!
Post communion, watching the group link arms, and being genuinely in communion together.
The shed tent (huge scout affair, able to seat 30 people) taking off in the foul weather. Shouldn't really be a logical highlight, but it is, because no damage was done, and one person actually had a God moment through it!!
Also the talk given by a 19 yr old. Totally without artifice, and from the heart - really resonated with my group.
Finally - seeing my group praying for each other, for those around them, and being so proud of each of them. They are really, really amazing people.


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