Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Ha! Bet you weren't expecting that! Two blogs in the same month, must be some kind of miracle!

Anyhow, I've got a wee bit more motivation to blog now, as I will be needing some feedback from my lovely fellow bloggers. Grin :D
SU Scotland will be launching a swanky new website in July called "Ignite," about which more in a later blog (told you i had a new incentive). I'm part of a group that is responding to FAQ's about Christianity- however we are keen to eschew the traditional apologetic style of banging people over the head with impeccable logic until they submit to agreeing with you even though the arguments are less than convincing! (Actually, does that make the logic just 'peccable?!) Instead, we're hoping to be a bit more post modern in approach - being honest where we don't know, inviting young people to respond with their own thoughts and questions, and living in the tension of loving God, but not necessarily needing to know the answers. It will be an interesting experiment, as we're not really sure how it's going to go, and there don't seem to be many resources around about looking at questions people ask in a post modern manner! (Any suggestions?) We are pretty much making it up as we go.
What I'd like to do is pop the questions I've got up for folks to think about, then a couple of days later pop up my thoughts about it. I'd really appreciate feedback around what I write - does it hit the PM button, or does it fall into more trad apologetics? Would the tone/content relate to young people and most likely most importantly for me - how can I make it shorter! All constructive criticism welcome.

This of course assumes i will continue to blog - but if it ever takes AN HOUR to log into blogger (which ended up being more of an act of subterfuge than a straightforward log in) EVER AGAIN, then I may end up throwing the blessed machine out of the window/ blogging somewhere else!


Blogger Kathryn said...


4:59 PM  
Blogger Sarah Brush said...


I was figuring it was a word association game!

5:57 PM  
Blogger Sarah Brush said...




Do I see links?

6:05 PM  
Blogger simo said...

Not only two blogs in one month but also this year! This does also mean that even though it is only mid March you are almost halfway to matching last years post count! It’s good to have you back!!!

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was the answer to the Archbish/pope arm wrestle?

9:41 AM  

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